Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blog Prompt 2, Part 3

(A little bit out of order, but bear with me here.)

Is blogging a good way to get information out to the masses? It seems to be, especially if you can get your blog syndicated with a major website. As a reader, though, I feel that you need to be very careful when reading blogs; blogs are like the Wikipedia of editorial/opinion pieces, meaning that you can never really be sure who is writing these things or whether the information they're giving is factual.

Are blogs a useful marketing tool? Yes, definitely. I read a few blogs that will occasionally review items or have giveaways of products. The blogging network is a big one, with bloggers cross-linking to other blogs that mention them and sites like BlogHer acting basically as a blog aggregator - so the effects of a blogger's words can be far-reaching. I think the personal narrative style of blogs make readers feel as though they're reading a consumer report (although often the bloggers are paid or given free products by the company they're promoting). I'm personally not a big fan of these "paid advertisements." For me to take a product review seriously I would need to trust the blogger, but some people may not hold bloggers to my standards and may think they're getting an unbiased opinion when they're really not.

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